András Visky’s Juliet

by András Visky

adapted by Kevin V. Smith

Theatre Y


Scenic Design Henry Wilkinson | Lighting Design Darby Fitzsimons | Costume Design Rebecca Hinsdale

Sound Design Dominic Johnson | Assistant Director Daiva Bhandari

At once haunting, sad and beautiful. A work of both real life and pure poetry.

Director Kevin V. Smith came up with the altogether brilliant notion of adding a mother-and-child chorus – a true touch of genius. At various moments, Smith also has used a mix of English and Spanish supertitles that act as a subtle but powerful reminder of the recent devastating separation of parents and children on the U. S.-Mexico border.

The infant ‘actors’ are like little cherubs, often gazing wide-eyed into the audience. You cannot take your eyes off them.
★★★★ (out of 5)
This 80-minute production is gut wrenching and beautiful all at the same time. This new version of Juliet is directed by Kevin V. Smith, and he has really created a wonderful work of art.
— Around the Town Chicago
A naked cry of pain in the wilderness.
— Chicago Reader
It’s a surprise to any seasoned theatre-goer to walk into a performance space and see mothers holding their babies. And not wrapped up blankets, or dolls, but actresses with their actual babies.
— Picture This Post
It felt so good and real to be in this world and made me realize how absent the love of women is in most art, in most theater, in most public spaces.
— Maryse Meijer, author of Rag and Heartbreaker

Photos Devron Enarson